Tuesday, April 20, 2010

So Sorry Guys!

So, I'm sure you've noticed that I haven't updated the blog in a long while!  Things got pretty crazy in my life.  I got a new job!  Yeah!  And I moved from Columbus!  I actually tried to stay in Columbus(I know, sounds crazy!), but there were no jobs for me there, so now I'm living in Seattle.  So far, it's been incredible!  I totally love it out here!  It's been hard though - I do REALLY miss all of my friends in Columbus and miss being able to get in my car and go visit my family in D.C. whenever I want to, but I also think that this is going to be really good for me!  For one thing, I'm going to be working less, which means I will be able to update the blog more often!  Promise I'll keep bringing you guys fun, crazy, inspiration stuff sooner than later!

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